Matthew Green / @matthew_d_green:
Following attempts to malign Signal as insecure by Telegram’s CEO and Elon Musk, a look at why Signal is widely regarded by experts as more secure than Telegram — Telegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure, with assistance from Elon Musk. The goal seems to be to get activists to switch away from encrypted Signal to mostly-unencrypted Telegram. I want to talk about this a bit. 1/
A look at professor-led crypto projects EigenLayer and Babylon, which seek to generate yield from cryptocurrencies, as “professor coins” spur investor interest (Bloomberg)
A look at professor-led crypto projects EigenLayer and Babylon, which seek to generate yield from cryptocurrencies, as “professor coins” spur investor interest — – EigenLayer, Babylon restaking efforts spurs investor interest — Both projects seek to generate yield from cryptocurrencies
A look at the potential successors to Apple’s top executives across all of the company’s major divisions (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)
Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at the potential successors to Apple’s top executives across all of the company’s major divisions — Apple’s management team is made up of longtime executives nearing the end of their tenures. That means a broad shake-up is increasingly likely.
Q&A with Oracle CEO Safra Catz on generative AI’s risks and impact, providing cloud infrastructure to TikTok, the importance of workplace diversity, and more (Keiichi Murayama/Nikkei Asia)
Keiichi Murayama / Nikkei Asia:
Q&A with Oracle CEO Safra Catz on generative AI’s risks and impact, providing cloud infrastructure to TikTok, the importance of workplace diversity, and more — In interview, top executive highlights AI’s potential and importance of diversity — Oracle CEO Safra Catz (Photo obtained by Nikkei)
Alibaba leverages computing resources to become a leading AI investor in China; sources: cloud credits made up ~50% of Alibaba’s $800M investment in Moonshot AI (Financial Times)
Financial Times:
Alibaba leverages computing resources to become a leading AI investor in China; sources: cloud credits made up ~50% of Alibaba’s $800M investment in Moonshot AI — Ecommerce giant offers computing resources to fast-growing start-ups in exchange for equity — Alibaba has been leveraging …
Maryland Apple Store union workers vote to authorize strike over Apple’s alleged refusal to fairly bargain; Short Hills NJ store workers vote against unionizing (Josh Eidelson/Bloomberg)
Josh Eidelson / Bloomberg:
Maryland Apple Store union workers vote to authorize strike over Apple’s alleged refusal to fairly bargain; Short Hills NJ store workers vote against unionizing — – Union blames Apple tactics for defeat at Short Hills NJ store — Maryland Apple Store union members vote to authorize strike
South Korea’s Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok says the government is preparing a $7.3B+ support package for chip investments to win the “war” in the chip sector (Ju-min Park/Reuters)
Ju-min Park / Reuters:
South Korea’s Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok says the government is preparing a $7.3B+ support package for chip investments to win the “war” in the chip sector — South Korea is readying plans for a support package for chip investments and research worth more than 10 trillion won …
The demand for AI tech to preserve, animate, and interact with lost loved ones is especially strong in China, where thousands have already paid to use such tech (Zeyi Yang/MIT Technology Review)
Zeyi Yang / MIT Technology Review:
The demand for AI tech to preserve, animate, and interact with lost loved ones is especially strong in China, where thousands have already paid to use such tech — Once a week, Sun Kai has a video call with his mother. He opens up about work, the pressures he faces as a middle-aged man …
Rad AI, which offers generative AI tools for radiology reporting, raised a $50M Series B led by Khosla Ventures, bringing its total funding to over $80M (Marina Temkin/TechCrunch)
Marina Temkin / TechCrunch:
Rad AI, which offers generative AI tools for radiology reporting, raised a $50M Series B led by Khosla Ventures, bringing its total funding to over $80M — In 2017, Vinod Khosla told CNBC that the job “of the radiologist will be obsolete in five years.” While the founder of Khosla Ventures …
The UK government’s new AI safety body releases Inspect, an evaluation tool for AI model capabilities, including models’ core knowledge and ability to reason (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:
The UK government’s new AI safety body releases Inspect, an evaluation tool for AI model capabilities, including models’ core knowledge and ability to reason — The U.K. Safety Institute, the U.K.’s recently established AI safety body, has released a toolset designed to “strengthen AI safety” …