A Few Tips On Protecting Your WordPress Website


WordPress is one of the most popular website content management systems in the world, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. However, with its popularity comes the risk of cyber threats and attacks. Hackers are always on the lookout for vulnerable websites to exploit. That’s why it’s essential to take steps to protect your WordPress website from potential hackers and malware. In this post, I’ll review three simple yet important ways to ensure your website stays safe and secure.


Keep Your WordPress Updated:

Keeping your WordPress site updated is essential in securing your website. WordPress frequently releases new versions that address security vulnerabilities and bugs. These updates also introduce new features and improvements to the platform, making it more user-friendly and efficient. Updating WordPress is a simple process that can be done within the admin dashboard. Check for updates regularly and MAKE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR WEBSITE before updating to avoid any loss of data. In my next post, I’ll discuss safe and effective ways to backup your WordPress website.

Install Security Plugins

Installing security plugins is another way to protect your WordPress website. These plugins provide an additional layer of security by detecting and blocking malicious code, brute force attacks, and other potential threats. While WordPress already comes with some built-in security features, installing a security plugin is a good way to enhance your website’s security. Some popular security plugins include Wordfence Security, iThemes Security, and Sucuri Security. These plugins offer features such as malware scanning, firewall protection, and two-factor authentication to keep your website secure.

Use Strong Passwords and Usernames

Using strong passwords and usernames is an essential step in securing your WordPress website. Avoid using easily guessable passwords such as “password123” or “admin.” Instead, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, consider using a different username than “admin” to make it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your website. A strong username and password combination can go a long way in protecting your website from brute force attacks.

Limit Login Attempts

Limiting login attempts is another way to protect your WordPress website. By default, WordPress allows unlimited login attempts, which makes it easier for hackers to use brute force attacks. However, by limiting login attempts, you can prevent these attacks from happening. You can use a plugin like Login Lockdown to limit the number of login attempts allowed. This plugin will automatically lock out any IP address that exceeds the login limit, making it impossible for the attacker to gain access to your website.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Enabling two-factor authentication is a great way to protect your WordPress website. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your website by requiring users to enter a code in addition to their password. This code is usually sent to their phone or email, making it difficult for hackers to gain access to your website. You can use a plugin like Google Authenticator to enable two-factor authentication on your WordPress website.


In conclusion, protecting your WordPress website from cyber threats is crucial. By keeping WordPress updated, installing security plugins, using strong passwords and usernames, limiting login attempts, and enabling two-factor authentication, you can significantly reduce the risk of your website being hacked or infected with malware. Remember to also backup your website regularly to avoid any loss of data. Stay vigilant and take the necessary steps to ensure your website stays safe and secure.

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What is Attack Hardware and Why You Should Care

Attack Hardware: What It Is and Why You Should Care



In the world of cybersecurity, it’s important to be aware of the various threats that can compromise your systems. One such threat is attack hardware. Attack hardware refers to any physical device that is used to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or network. These devices can be as simple as a USB drive or as complex as a custom-built device designed specifically for an attack. In this blog post, I’ll explore what attack hardware is, how it works, and why you should care about it.

How Attack Hardware Works:

Attack hardware works by exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems or networks. These vulnerabilities can be anything from a weak password to an unpatched software vulnerability. Attackers use these vulnerabilities to gain access to a system, and then use attack hardware to maintain that access or to escalate their privileges.

One example of attack hardware is a USB Rubber Ducky. This device looks like a regular USB drive, but it’s actually a tool for launching automated keystroke attacks. When plugged into a computer, the USB Rubber Ducky can execute a pre-programmed sequence of keystrokes to perform actions like opening a command prompt, downloading and executing malware, or exfiltrating data.

Another example of attack hardware is a network tap. This device is used to intercept network traffic between two devices. Attackers can use a network tap to capture sensitive data like passwords and other credentials, or to inject malicious traffic into the network.


Why You Should Care About Attack Hardware:

Attack hardware is a serious threat to computer systems and networks. It can be used to bypass security controls like firewalls and antivirus software and can give attackers persistent access to a system. Attackers can use this access to steal sensitive data, launch additional attacks, or disrupt critical systems.

One reason attack hardware is so effective is that it can be difficult to detect. Traditional security controls like firewalls and antivirus software are designed to detect and block software-based attacks, but they can’t protect against physical devices that are plugged into a system.

To protect against attack hardware, it’s important to implement a layered approach to security. This includes measures like restricting physical access to systems, implementing strong access controls, and regularly patching and updating software.


Attack hardware is a growing threat to computer systems and networks. These physical devices can be used to bypass traditional security controls and gain persistent access to a system. To protect against attack hardware, it’s important to be aware of the threat and to implement a layered approach to security. By taking steps to secure your systems against attack hardware, you can help ensure that your data and systems remain safe from cyber threats.

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Andrioid vs iPhone

I have been asked by several friends to explain my opinion of Andrioid vs iPhone…..and before verbal shots are fired, I am well aware of how many of my friends have iPhones. With that said…..Here we go !!
So….the world of smartphones has been dominated by two rival operating systems, Android and iPhone. While both operating systems have their pros and cons, Android has proven time and time again to be the superior choice.
Why you ask?
One of the biggest reasons why Android is better than the iPhone is the level of customization it offers. Android users have the ability to completely personalize their devices by choosing from a vast array of launchers, themes, and widgets. This allows users to create a unique and highly personalized experience that suits their individual needs. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a more colorful and vibrant look, you can tailor your Android device to match whatever your preferences may be.
Another advantage of Android over iPhone is the range of devices available. While Apple only offers a limited selection of iPhones, Android users have access to a massive range of devices from different manufacturers, each with their own unique features and capabilities. This means that you can choose an Android device that perfectly fits your budget, needs, and preferences. Whether you prefer a large screen, a powerful processor, or a long battery life, no matter what, there is an Android device that meets your requirements.
Android also offers superior multi-tasking capabilities. With Android, users can easily switch between multiple apps and use them simultaneously, while due to the iOS design, iPhone users are limited to a more restrictive and less intuitive multitasking system. This means that you can chat with your friends while watching a video, check your email while browsing the web, and play a game while listening to music, all without having to close or pause any of your apps.
Finally, Android is generally more affordable than iPhone. While high-end Android devices can be expensive, there are also plenty of budget-friendly options available that still offer great features and performance. Meanwhile, iPhones are consistently among the most expensive smartphones on the market, and upgrading to a new model can be a significant financial investment. With Android, you can get a great smartphone that meets your needs without breaking the bank.
With the above being said, while iPhone may have some loyal fans, Android is the clear winner when it comes to overall performance, customization, and affordability. If you’re in the market for a new smartphone, an Android device is definitely worth considering. 
In closing, with its unparalleled level of customization, wide range of devices, superior multitasking capabilities, and affordable price points, Android is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a smartphone that truly fits their needs and preferences.

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The Dangers of Clop Ransomware Are Real

The Dangers of Clop Ransomware Are Real !



Ransomware has become one of the most significant cyber threats in recent years. It is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. One of the latest and most dangerous ransomware families is Clop ransomware. Clop ransomware is a new variant of the CryptoMix ransomware that has been active since at least 2016. In this post, I’ll discuss the dangers of Clop ransomware and how it can affect your computer systems.

What is Clop ransomware?

Clop ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. The ransomware is distributed via phishing emails, exploit kits, and malvertising campaigns. Once it infects a computer system, it encrypts files with a strong encryption algorithm and then demands a ransom payment in Bitcoin. Clop ransomware is particularly dangerous because it is capable of spreading laterally across a network, infecting multiple systems simultaneously.


The dangers of Clop ransomware:

Clop ransomware is a significant threat to both individuals and organizations. The malware is designed to encrypt files and demand payment in exchange for the decryption key. This can result in significant data loss for the victims. Additionally, Clop ransomware is capable of spreading laterally across a network, infecting multiple systems simultaneously. This can result in significant downtime for businesses and organizations, leading to lost revenue and a damaged reputation. Finally, paying the ransom does not guarantee that the decryption key will be provided, and victims may be left with encrypted files even after paying the ransom.


Protecting against Clop ransomware:

The best way to protect against Clop ransomware is to prevent it from infecting your computer systems in the first place. This can be achieved by implementing security best practices, such as keeping software and operating systems up to date, using strong passwords, and avoiding suspicious emails and websites. Additionally, it is essential to have a backup strategy in place to ensure that critical data is not lost in the event of a ransomware attack. If you do fall victim to Clop ransomware, it is essential to disconnect the infected system from the network to prevent the malware from spreading further.



Clop ransomware is a dangerous threat that can have significant consequences for individuals and organizations. It is essential to take steps to protect against this malware, such as implementing security best practices and having a backup strategy in place. If you do fall victim to Clop ransomware, it is essential to disconnect the infected system from the network and seek professional assistance to minimize the damage. Stay vigilant and stay safe online.

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The Dangers Of Mindware Are Real

Dangers of Mindware



In the current digital era, people are relying on technology more than ever before. In my 30+ years in the IT industry, I have experienced the rise of technology making our lives easier, faster, and more efficient. However, the downside of technology is that it can also harm our brains and bodies. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, and our brains are not equipped to handle this overload. Mindware, a term used to describe software and applications that purport to improve cognitive function, may be doing more harm than good. In this blog post, I’ll explore the dangers of mindware.


One of the most significant dangers of mindware is addiction. Mindware applications are designed to be fun and engaging, and people can quickly become addicted to them. Most mindware comes to us disguised in a game format. These applications are often designed with gamification in mind, which means that they are designed to be addictive. People may spend hours on mindware applications, which can lead to a decrease in productivity, social isolation, and other negative consequences. Addiction to mindware applications can sometimes be just as harmful as addiction to drugs or alcohol.


False Claims:

Another danger of mindware is that it often makes false claims about its effectiveness. Mindware applications claim to improve cognitive function, enhance memory, and increase intelligence. However, many of these claims are not backed by scientific evidence. In fact, some studies have shown that mindware applications can actually be detrimental to cognitive function. People who use mindware applications may be wasting their time and money on products that do not deliver on their promises.


Overreliance on Technology:

Finally, mindware can lead to an overreliance on technology. People who use mindware applications may begin to rely too heavily on technology to improve their cognitive function. This overreliance can lead to a decrease in the use of traditional methods of improving cognitive function, such as reading books, engaging in physical exercise, and socializing with others. Overreliance on technology can also lead to a decrease in critical thinking skills, as people become more dependent on technology to solve problems.



In conclusion, mindware may seem like a harmless way to improve cognitive function, but it can be more dangerous than you think. Addiction, false claims, and overreliance on technology are just some of the dangers of mindware. If you are interested in improving your cognitive function, it is best to rely on traditional methods such as reading, exercise, and socialization. Remember that the brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle, it needs to be exercised in order to stay healthy.

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Protecting Your Children From The Dangers Of TikToc


TikTok, a popular social media platform, has taken the world by storm with its short-form videos, dance challenges, and lip-syncing clips. The app has become increasingly popular among children and teenagers, but it also raises concerns about online safety. With the rise of cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and privacy concerns, parents must take measures to protect their children while using TikTok.

Setting Up Privacy Settings


TikTok has several privacy settings that parents can use to protect their children. One of the most crucial settings is to set the account to private. By doing so, only people who follow the account can see the videos posted by the user. It limits the exposure of the account to strangers and ensures that only trusted friends and family members can view the content. Additionally, parents can restrict comments, control who can send direct messages, and filter out inappropriate content.


Monitoring Your Child’s Activity

Parents should monitor their children’s TikTok activity to ensure they are not exposed to inappropriate content or people. It is essential to have an open dialogue with your child about their online activity, understand the types of videos they are watching or creating, and who they are following. By doing so, it will give parents a better understanding of what their children are doing online and identify potential risks.


Educating Your Child About Online Safety

One of the best ways to protect your child from TikTok’s potential risks is to educate them about online safety. Parents can talk to their children about cyberbullying, privacy, and the dangers of interacting with strangers online. It is essential to teach your child how to report inappropriate content or behavior, and what to do if they feel uncomfortable or threatened. By educating your child, you can help them develop the skills needed to navigate the online world safely.



TikTok can be an enjoyable and creative platform for children and teenagers, but it also has potential risks. As a parent, it is essential to take steps to ensure your child’s online safety. By setting up privacy settings, monitoring your child’s activity, and educating them about online safety, you can help protect your child while using TikTok. Remember, it is crucial to have an open and honest dialogue with your child about their online activity and to be aware of potential risks.

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The Superiority of Windows 10

Thinking about moving to Windows 11 ?   Not so fast !

Once upon a time, in a world of technology, people were thrilled when a new operating system was released. However, this did not apply when Windows 11 came to the market. Windows 10, the seemingly outdated operating system, remained the favorite among many tech enthusiasts…including me. Here’s why…

First, Let me start out with this important fact. Windows 11 has been proven to be incompatible with many devices, including newer and older models. This incompatibility has led to many users being unable to upgrade to the new operating system, leaving them stuck with outdated software. Windows 10, on the other hand, is compatible with most devices, and users can enjoy the benefits of the operating system regardless of their device’s age.

Second, Windows 11 has a new interface that is sleek and modern. However, this interface has caused many users to struggle with navigation and accessing features that were easy to find in Windows 10. The familiar interface of Windows 10 makes it easy to find what you need, without having to spend hours figuring out where everything is.

Third, Windows 11 comes with many unnecessary pre-installed applications that cannot be uninstalled. This has led to many users complaining about the limited storage space on their devices, not to mention the valuable resources that it consumes. In contrast, Windows 10 comes with only essential applications, leaving users with more storage space for their files and other important software.

Fourth, As of this writing, the fairly new operating system has many bugs that need to be fixed. Windows 11 users have reported crashes and other issues that were not present in Windows 10. This has led to frustration and time wastage for many users who are forced to deal with these issues.

Last, but certainly not least, Windows 10 is generally more stable and reliable than Windows 11. This is because Windows 10 has been around for much longer, and many of the bugs and issues have already been fixed. Windows 11 is still in its early stages, and many of these issues are still being discovered.

In conclusion, In my 30+ years of IT experience, it is my belief that Windows 10 remains superior to Windows 11. Its compatibility, familiarity, and stability make it a favorite among users. So, let’s stick to the tried and tested, and enjoy the benefits of Windows 10.



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Cleaning Up Your Home Cable Network Box

Tips for Cleaning Up Your Home Cable Network Box



As our homes become more and more connected, we are increasingly reliant on our cable network boxes to keep everything running smoothly. Over time, these boxes can become cluttered with cables and dust, leading to poor performance and even damage to the devices. In this blog post, I will discuss some tips for cleaning up your home cable network box and keeping it in top shape.

How to Clean Up Your Cable Network Box:

Cleaning up your home cable network box is a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps. First, unplug all of the cables from the box and remove any devices that are not in use. (Note: Make sure to mark where cables are being unplugged from). This will help you identify the cables that need to be cleaned or sorted and what ports they will be plugged back into. Next, use a can of compressed air to blow out any dust that has accumulated inside the box. Be sure to hold the can upright and use short bursts to avoid damaging any components. Finally, use cable ties or zip ties to organize the cables and keep them from becoming tangled.

If you have a lot of devices, it may be helpful to label the cables so that you can easily identify them later. Labeling cables will help you identify where each cable goes in case you need to unplug one or if you need to replace a cable.

When organizing the cables, try to keep cables that are connected to the same device together. This will help to keep things organized and make it easier to troubleshoot any issues that may arise



Keeping your home cable network box clean, cool, and organized is an important part of maintaining your connected devices. By following these tips, you can ensure that your devices are performing at their best and that your home looks its best as well. So take a few minutes to clean up your cable network box today, and enjoy the benefits of a more organized home network system. If you have any other tips or tricks for cleaning up your cable network box, feel free to share them in the comments below.


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How Dangerous Is Randsomeware


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files or locks their device, and then demands payment in exchange for restoring access. This cybercrime has been around since the late 1980s, but it has become more sophisticated in recent years. In 2021, ransomware attacks have been increasing in frequency and severity, affecting businesses, hospitals, and even entire cities. In this blog post, I will discuss the current state of ransomware and how dangerous it is right now.

The Current State of Ransomware:


Ransomware has become a lucrative business for cybercriminals, and they are constantly developing new techniques to bypass security measures. In the first half of 2021, ransomware attacks have increased by 102% compared to the same period in 2020. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cost of ransomware is expected to reach $20 billion by the end of 2021. The attacks are not limited to small businesses; large organizations such as Colonial Pipeline, JBS Foods, and Kaseya have all been victims of ransomware attacks this year.

Ransomware attacks have been increasingly sophisticated and targeted. One of the recent trends is the use of “double extortion” tactics, where attackers not only encrypt the victim’s files but also steal sensitive data and threaten to release it if the ransom is not paid. This approach has proven successful, as it puts more pressure on victims to pay the ransom. In some cases, even if the ransom is paid, victims cannot always retrieve their data, as attackers may not keep their end of the deal.


How Dangerous Is Ransomware Right Now?

Ransomware is a serious threat to individuals and organizations alike. The consequences can range from loss of data and productivity to financial losses and reputational damage. In some cases, ransomware attacks have also led to the compromise of sensitive information, such as personal and financial data. Law Enforcement warns that paying the ransom is not a guarantee that the victim will regain access to their files or prevent the release of their data.

Ransomware attacks can take many forms, and cybercriminals use different tactics and techniques to carry them out. Some of the most common types of ransomware include Locker, Crypto, and Scareware. Locker ransomware locks the victim’s device, while Crypto ransomware encrypts their files. Scareware ransomware, on the other hand, displays fake warnings and alerts to scare the victim into paying the ransom. Ransomware can also spread through different vectors, such as email attachments, malicious links, and software vulnerabilities.


Prevention and Mitigation:

Preventing ransomware attacks requires a multi-layered approach, including employee training, regular software updates, and strong security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software. It is also essential to back up data regularly and store it in a separate location. In case of an attack, having a response plan in place can help mitigate the damage and reduce downtime. This plan should include isolating infected devices, identifying the type of ransomware, and reporting the attack to the authorities.

It is also important to note that prevention and mitigation efforts are not limited to the victim organization. Law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity firms are constantly working together to identify and disrupt ransomware operations. The US Department of Justice recently established a Ransomware and Digital Extortion Task Force to coordinate efforts across law enforcement agencies and investigate and prosecute ransomware cases.



Ransomware is a significant threat that is not going away anytime soon. The increasing frequency and severity of attacks highlight the importance of taking proactive measures to prevent and mitigate them. Organizations and individuals must stay vigilant and adopt a multi-layered security approach to protect against ransomware attacks. By doing so, we can reduce the risk of falling victim to this dangerous cybercrime.

While it is impossible to guarantee complete protection against ransomware, awareness, and preparedness can help minimize the damage and decrease the likelihood of attacks. By staying informed about the latest trends and threats, and following best practices for cybersecurity, we can better defend ourselves against this growing threat.:



If you would like more information about ransomware or how we can assist your company in preventing a data disaster from happening, please feel free to call us at

(623) 418-0019


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The Responsibility of Technology in Politics

The Responsibility of Technology in Politics


With the advent of technology, political campaigns have shifted from traditional methods to modern techniques. This shift has led to the use of social media platforms, websites, and mobile applications to reach potential voters. While technology has made political campaigns easier, it has also brought about new challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the use of technology responsibly. This  short blog post aims to delve into the issue of technology responsibility in political campaigns.

The Responsibility of Technology in Politics:

Political campaigns involve the collection of data from potential voters to better understand their needs and preferences. However, the collection of data raises concerns about privacy infringement. Technology has made it easier to collect data, but it is essential to use it responsibly. Political campaigns must ensure that they obtain consent from voters before collecting their data. The data collected must also be used only for the intended purposes and never shared with third parties.


The Spread of Disinformation:

Social media is a powerful tool in political campaigns. However, it has also become a platform for the spread of disinformation. Political campaigns must use technology responsibly by ensuring that the information they post is accurate and not misleading. They must also fact-check their messages before posting them. This is essential to prevent the spread of disinformation, which can have severe consequences.


Political campaigns are vulnerable to cyber attacks that can steal confidential information or disrupt campaign activities. Technology responsibility requires political campaigns to put in place measures to safeguard their online platforms. This can be achieved by using strong passwords, regularly updating software, and educating staff on safe online practices. Cybersecurity is essential to protect the integrity of the campaign and ensure that voters can trust the information they receive.


Technology has revolutionized political campaigns, but it also poses new challenges. Technology responsibility is essential in ensuring that campaigns use technology in the right way. This involves obtaining consent from voters before collecting data, fact-checking information before posting it, and safeguarding online platforms from cyber attacks. By using technology responsibly, political campaigns can build trust with voters, protect their privacy, and ensure a fair and transparent election process.


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(623) 418-0019   |   info@623pc.com


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