A profile of Klarna CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski, whose overblown statements about AI replacing humans point to a future that tech companies are working toward (Noam Scheiber/New York Times)

Noam Scheiber / New York Times:
A profile of Klarna CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski, whose overblown statements about AI replacing humans point to a future that tech companies are working toward  —  Ask typical corporate executives about their goals in adopting artificial intelligence, and they will most likely make vague pronouncements …

Stablecoins are becoming a core part of financial infrastructure in emerging markets, expanding beyond cross-border payments into consumer finance and more (Tage Kene-Okafor/TechCrunch)

Tage Kene-Okafor / TechCrunch:
Stablecoins are becoming a core part of financial infrastructure in emerging markets, expanding beyond cross-border payments into consumer finance and more  —  Five years ago, SpaceX launched Starlink, which has since grown into its biggest revenue driver, expanding to more than 100 countries.

AI adoption has outpaced that of PCs and the internet, but evidence of its boost to productivity is thin on the ground; study: 40% of US adults have used AI (Bloomberg)

AI adoption has outpaced that of PCs and the internet, but evidence of its boost to productivity is thin on the ground; study: 40% of US adults have used AI  —  For all the excitement, evidence of a boost to productivity is still thin on the ground  —  For investors in artificial intelligence, the last week delivered a painful shock.